
Unix System Administration

Unix system administration can involve a pretty long checklist of tasks—including performing backups, adding users and hardware, monitoring system activity and security, and adding new systems to the network—that must be completed through very precise processes. Otherwise, major problems could arise, including system failures. Scripts can be written to automate some routine tasks, but many tasks will always be extremely time-consuming, such as checking backups to ensure they work.

If you don’t have the time and resources to handle all your Unix system administration tasks to the degree they deserve, or if you need to bring in occasional expertise for particular tasks to ensure maximum security and stability of your Unix systems, we can definitely help. We offer cost-effective Unix system administration services that can help you effectively manage your Unix environment. You can receive continuous 24×7 protection, response, and maintenance services, or choose standalone services for optimal Unix system administration reliability and performance.



Unix System Administration Options

We offer two options for Unix system administration:

Other Operating Systems We Support

Contact Us to discuss our Unix System Administration Services or schedule a meeting with our expert sales team to discuss your needs.