
Database Administration Services

    Dbaport hosts a wide range of databases including Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Server Clusters, OracleDB, Oracle RAC, MySQL, PostreSQL, Aurora, MongoDB and DB2 in some of the world's most demanding environments. Dbaport provides extensive security protections, sophisticated data backup and restore capabilities, and a mix of Disaster Recovery solutions to ensure that our customers' data is secure and protected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    In addition to these services, Dbaport provides operational and production database administration where needed. Much of a DBA's time and resources are spent doing low-level administration work. And while such routine tasks are critical to the support of your organization, rarely are they related to a company's core competencies around revenue generation.

    Maintaining DBAs in-house can be problematic for a variety of reasons, including reduced IT budgets, employee turnover, or other reasons for declining head-count (and the associated costs of onboarding and training new replacements).

    One of the most compelling reasons why many companies are utilizing external DBA services is that firms are looking to maintain or improve their DBA capabilities, while focusing their internal staff on tasks that deliver competitive advantage. One way to do this is to utilize Dbaport's superior DBA services. Depending upon your requirements, Dbaport's expert and certified engineers provide both operational and production database administration for MS SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, MongoDB, MySQL and RDS forMySQL, RDS for PostgreSQL and RDS for Aurora. These include:

    We provide a full site of tailored offerings to our clients including:

    • Design and Architecture

    • Installation and Patching

    • Backup and Recovery – design/implantation/maintenance and testing

    • Replication, Clustering and other redundancy options

    • Archiving and Reporting Solutions

    • Troubleshooting and Health Checks for every element of the database system

    • Proactive alerting and resolutions

    • Constant and consistent monitoring and management of all database change

    • Hardware/storage assessments

    • Advice and implementation of new features and IT solutions

    • DR implementation and testing

    • Performance monitoring and tuning, eliminating bottlenecks and reducing hardware costs

    • Backup and Recovery implementations

    • Database installation, upgrades and migrations

    • Security audits and regulatory controls

    • Remote DBA Support including daily and weekly health checks with full report of findings

    • Advice on how to improve performance and reduce costs and overheads

    • Infrastructure consultancy and advice to ensure investments are leveraged

    • Future planning and management

    Contact Us today if you would like to discuss our Database Management Services further.